2011년 10월 22일 토요일


A 10-hour meeting in Brussels failed to yield a blueprint for banks’ role in a revamped Greek rescue as European finance ministers haggled over what they called a “credible firewall” against fallout from deeper writedowns.

Italy’s Vittorio Grilli was given the mission by euro-area finance ministers to negotiate deeper writedowns with investors on Greek debt in a second aid package, Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter said. 


writedown 은 우리 나라 말로는 부실상각 이라고 하는거 같은데..

A writedown is an accounting treatment that recognizes the reduced value of an impaired asset. The value of an asset may change due to fundamental changes in technology or markets.

A writedown is a non-cash expense that reduces the value of an asset on the balance sheet.

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