2013년 6월 15일 토요일

iOS에서 OpenCV 2.4.5 linking

iOS에서 OpenCV 2.4.5 linking 할때 생기는 에러.

std::__1::__vector_base_common::__throw_length_error() const", referenced from:

libc++ .dylib 넣으면 됨.

from http://libcxx.llvm.org/

libc++ is a new implementation of the C++ standard library, targeting C++11.
All of the code in libc++ is dual licensed under the MIT license and the UIUC License (a BSD-like license).

Features and Goals
  • Correctness as defined by the C++11 standard.
  • Fast execution.
  • Minimal memory use.
  • Fast compile times.
  • ABI compatibility with gcc's libstdc++ for some low-level features such as exception objects, rtti and memory allocation.
  • Extensive unit tests.

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