User agent sniffing
The term user agent sniffing refers to the practice of Web sites showing different content when viewed with a certain user agent. On the Internet, this will result in a different site being shown when browsing the page with a specific browser. A useful example of this is Microsoft Exchange Server 2003's Outlook Web Access feature. When viewed with Internet Explorer 6 (or newer), more functionality is displayed compared to the same page in any older browsers, because older browsers could not render the same content.[citation needed] User agent sniffing is mostly considered poor practice, since it encourages browser-specific design and penalizes new browsers with unrecognized user agent identifications. Instead, the W3C recommends creating HTML markup that is standard,[7] allowing correct rendering in as many browsers as possible, and to test for specific browser features rather than particular browser versions or brands.[8]
Ray 형때문에 simplexml_load_file 을 쓰다가 알게된 것.
위의 글을 읽어보니 그쪽 서버가 윈도우라는게 의심이 간다.
어쨋든 User agent sniffing은 표준과는 동떨어진 기술.
If you find that you are receiving 500 errors with simplexml_load_file() but you can access the xml/rss feed manually through a browser, your script is probably being
blocked by a user agent sniffer.
Add this code before your xml call to remedy this issue
ini_set("user_agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");
ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
ini_set("memory_limit", "10000M");
$rss = simplexml_load_file($feed_url);