2011년 9월 30일 금요일

The Peg Dolls

Doctor Who 2005 S06E09
간만에 누리와 같이 시청한 Doctor Who.
컨셉이 재미있었다.

The Peg Dolls inhabited the dolls' house in George's cupboard. But as the Doctor explained, it had become a psychic repository for all his fears which meant these were no ordinary dolls. They could move, speak and hunt!

When Rory and Amy became trapped in the house, they stumbled across the dolls and at first believed they were harmless. But after the ghastly Purcell was captured by the dummy-like creatures, they witnessed the horrifying transformation they force their victims to endure...
It begins with the hands... Fingers stiffen and apparently turn to wood. And then the process spreads until the victim of the dolls has become like them. The Doctor called their state a 'living death' but when Alex's unconditional love for his son allowed George to overcome his fears, the Peg Dolls were expelled from the house and reverted to their original form.

from http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/characters/Peg_Dolls

Psychic repository 라는게 재미있었다.
Subtitle 을 크게해서 캡쳐했음.

George isn't just an ordinary little boy.
So, anything scary he puts in here. Scary toys, like the dolls' house.
Scary noises, like, like the lift.
Even his little rituals have become part of it.
A psychic repository for all his fears, but what is he?

그리고 누리가 신기해했던 Tenza ...
Wiki를 보니 정의가 다음과 같다.

The Tenza were a species of alien whose young were raised by other species.
그래서 뻐꾸기라고 했구나~ㅎㅎ

Ow! George is a Tenza. Of course he is.
He's a what?!
A cuckoo. A cuckoo in the nest. A Tenza. He's a Tenza.
Millions of them hatch in space and then whoomph!
Off they drift, looking for a nest.
The Tenza young can sense exactly what their foster parents want and then they assimilate. Perfectly.
George is an... alien? Yup.
But he's... he's our child! Of course he is. The child you always wanted.

뭔가 연구하는거 같은 느낌이 든다 ㅋㅋ

댓글 6개:

  1. 와우.. 닥터 후 시작됐어요?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    그동안 너무너무 기다렸어요... ^^

  2. ㅋㅋㅋ 너도 빨리 시작해~ 우리도 약간 늦었음~
    여기 현지에 있는 형 부부도 닥터후 시작했음 ㅋㅋ

  3. ㅋㅋㅋ 지혜 꼬셔서, 어제 3편까지 봤어요~ 지혜도 빠져드는 듯.. ㅋㅋ

  4. 굳~ ㅎㅎ 제수씨도 좋아하게 되면 좋겠다 ㅎㅎ
    너가 생각하는 명작을 보여줘봐~ ㅎㅎ
    나는 반고흐 편 다시보고 마지막 장면에서 또 울었음 ㅋㅋ

  5. 아..저 빠졌어요 ㅋㅋ

  6. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋아요~
    언제 나중에 에피소드 같이 시청? ㅋㅋ
