2017년 2월 26일 일요일

thermal referral

When warm thermal stimulators are placed on the ring and index fingers of one hand, and a neutral-temperature stimulator on the middle finger, all three fingers feel warm. This illusion is known as thermal referral (TR).

See http://www.nature.com/articles/srep35286

Cataldo, Antonio, et al. "Thermal referral: evidence for a thermoceptive uniformity illusion without touch." Scientific reports 6 (2016).

2017년 2월 14일 화요일

Closed Form Solution of Absolute Orientation using Unit Quaternions

Horn, Berthold KP. "Closed-form solution of absolute orientation using unit quaternions." JOSA A 4.4 (1987): 629-642.

See Sim3Solver of ORB-SLAM2 project.